
AsyncHBase may be compiled from source or fetched from Maven as a pre-compiled Jar. Releases can be found on Github or Maven. Snapshots can be found on

Runtime Requirements

The pre-compiled Jars simply require Java 1.6 or later to run.


Compiling From Source

Complication requirements include:

  • A Linux system
  • Java Development Kit 1.6 or later
  • Autotools
  • Make
  • Python
  • Git
  • An Internet connection
  • Maven (Optional)

Download the latest version using git clone command or download a release from the site or Github. Then cd into the repo's directory and git checkout <branch> the proper branch you want to build from. Then just run make.

git clone git://
cd asynchbase
ls build

If compilation was successful, you should have a jar file in ./build that you can include in your project. Jars that AsyncHBase depends on are downloaded to the third_party/ sub directories under the main repo directory.


Yes, we're aware that using Make for a java project is rather odd. But it allows for some nifty tricks that aren't as easily performed using a standard Java build tool. That being said, if you prefer Maven, simply execute make pom.xml from the repo directory and continue as you normally would. E.g. mvn clean package and you'll wind up with the jar and associated files in target/.


Simply running make will build the jar but won't run various tests. For unit tests, run make check. This will download jars required for testing and run all of the unit tests in test.

For integration testing, first start up an HBase instance on the local host with default ports (e.g. Zookeeper on port 2181) and without authentication. Then export the path to HBase's home directory. This is needed as the integration tests use the shell to create and truncate tables. E.g. export HBASE_HOME=/usr/local/hbase. Then run make integration.


The integration tests will create and/or truncate data in various tables starting with test such as test, test1, etc. Make sure you don't have any important information in your local HBase instance.

Source Layout

There are two main branches in the GIT repo. The master branch is the latest stable release along with any bug fixes that have been committed between releases. The next branch is the next major or minor version of AsyncHBase with new features and development. When next is stable, it will be merged into master. Additional branches may be present and are used for testing or developing specific features.


We strive to make sure AsyncHBase is always backwards compatible. To upgrade to a new version, simply replace your old Jar with the new one. Be sure to test it first before going into production.

If you are upgrading HBase, make sure to try AsyncHBase with the new HBase in a development environment to make sure all RPCs are still compatible.